Principle Investigator

Albert F. Yee
B.S. Chemistry, UC Berkeley
Ph.D. Chemistry, UC Berkeley
Email: afyee(at)
Graduate Students

Sara Heedy
PhD Candidate
B.S. Chemical Engineering, UC Irvine (2017) Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, UC Irvine (2022)
Research: Molecular confinement on nanostructured polymer surfaces
Email: sheedy(at)
Teaching Assistant:
(CBEMS 154) Polymer Science & Engineering

Xin Fu
PhD Student
B.S. Macromolecular Materials & Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology (2016) M.S. Chemical Engineering, UC San Diego (2017) Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering, UC Irvine (2022)
Research: Fabrication of nanopillared surfaces through electrohydrodynamic patterning
Email: xfu4(at)

Yasaman Fatapour
PhD Student
B.S. Material Science and Engineering (Amirkabir University of Technolgy, Tehran , Iran (2014)
M.S. Biomedical engineering, University of Houston (2018)
Ph.D. Biomedical engineering, UC Irvine (2022)
Research: Bandage contact lens materials with drug loading
Email: yfatapou(at)

Jingyi Luo
MS Student
B.S. Materials Science & Engineering, UC Irvine (2018)
M.S. Materials Science & Engineering, UC Irvine (2020)
Research: Bandage contact lens materials with drug loading
Email: jluo11(at)
Undergraduate Students
Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Research: Bandage contact lens materials with drug loading
Email: juviarep(at)
Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Research: Fabrication of nanopillared surfaces through electrohydrodynamic patterning
Email: acarriga(at)
Alumni (click to view list)