Congratulations Rachel on her paper published in ACS Applied Bio Materials on “Biomimetic Nanopillared Surfaces Inhibit Drug Resistant Filamentous Fungal Growth”!
Congratulations Rachel on winning the 2019 UCI Grad Slam competition for her 3-minute research talk “Superbug Kryptonite: Tiny Solution to a Huge Threat”. She will compete with winners from all 10 UC Campuses for the UC Grad Slam on May 10 at the LinkedIn San Francisco, CA campus!
Rachel gave a platform talk & poster presentation on her research & Sara gave a poster presentation on her research at the 2018 Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings & Interfaces in Waikoloa, HI!
Congratulations Emma on her paper published in Scientific Reports on “Collagen density modulates triple-negative breast cancer cell metabolism through dhesion-mediated contractility”!
Congratulations Rachel on receiving the UCI Public Impact Distinguished Fellowship!
She joins AFYee Research Group alumnae, Elena Liang & Mary Dickson, with this honor!
Congratulations Rachel on receiving the UCI Associated Graduate Students Travel Grant!
Rachel will present her research at the 2018 Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings & Interfaces in Waikoloa, HI!
Welcome Yassi Fatapour & Jerry Lin to the lab! Yassi Fatapour is pursuing her PhD in Biomedical Engineering & Jerry Lin is pursuing his M.S. in mechanical engineering.
Rachel gave a poster presentation on her research at the 2018 Military Health Systems Research Symposium in Kissimmee, FL!
Jimmy presented research at the 2018 UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium in Riverside, CA!